Moist and tender salmon with a slightly sweet and salty crust-it's the perfect bite! This recipe is easy and a nice choice to serve for guests who aren't...
Sweet and spicy, honey sriracha salmon baked in foil is tender and flaky and has the most incredible flavors. A nutritious and easy 30-minute meal for...
I just love preparing a gourmet-looking and tasting dish and this was so easy! A thank you to City Fish for the salmon steaks. Ceramic bakeware like Emile...
This salmon is my husband's favorite. Don't let the total time fool you -- very easy to make. This recipe is great served with mashed potatoes. You can...
You don't need the broiler to make great salmon fillets. A hot oven can produce tender, moist, flaky meat every time. This recipe uses lots of lemon juice...
This recipe is so easy to make for a weekday or fancy weekend meal. The little bit of honey gives the salmon a great taste even the pickiest of eaters...
This recipe is so easy to make for a weekday or fancy weekend meal. The little bit of honey gives the salmon a great taste even the pickiest of eaters...
Canned salmon is a great, inexpensive source of proteins and omegas, and you may have stocked up on a few cans but not known what to do with them. This...
Only three ingredients provide moist salmon fillets bursting with flavor! Wonderful garnished with basil leaves and served with Naan bread and steamed...
This dish is amazingly easy to make and the end result will just make you look super good! The secret of its great flavor is in the quality of the ingredients....
This dish is fairly easy to make, yet it is elegant, tasty, and very nutritious! You may want more or less salad with it. It may be served with quinoa...
Foil-baked salmon dish with a savory butter, garlic, and lemon sauce that includes dill and capers. P.S. I like lots of butter and garlic! For side dishes,...
Simple rice and salmon dish I thought up on the way home from school today. When I get around to going grocery shopping I will try it with fresh veggies!...
This is an easy and delicious way to use either fresh or frozen salmon. Being from Alaska, our family puts up with a lot of salmon during the summer. This...
Asian flavors accentuate the best fresh salmon that is available to you. If you don't have access to good quality fresh salmon, substitute tuna, mahi mahi,...
This is one of my favorite recipes. Baked salmon is coated with a simple mixture of oyster sauce and salad dressing. I always make it for parties and serve...
Salmon is marinated in a soy sauce-miso base, baked in a Panasonic CIO, and served alongside pureed purple potatoes and tender green beans for a quick...
This is a wonderful (and easy) recipe I got from my Aunt. The flavors of lemon and dill really complement the fish. I like to use wild Alaskan salmon for...
Canned salmon is a great, inexpensive source of proteins and omegas, and you may have stocked up on a few cans but not known what to do with them. This...
This is one of my favorite recipes. Baked salmon is coated with a simple mixture of oyster sauce and salad dressing. I always make it for parties and serve...
Delicate salmon is topped with a wonderful combination of mango and Brie cheese. The best part is that the Brie bakes with the salmon. Wonderful with a...
This recipe is a delicious way to get some healthy foods in your family's diet. Salmon, brown rice, fresh crunchy vegetables, and a spicy sauce will perk...
As a college student, I find myself cooking for one all the time. It is not easy to find meals where this type of portion is easily obtained, but I created...
A simple soy sauce and brown sugar marinade, with hints of lemon and garlic, are the perfect salty-sweet complement to rich salmon fillets. Adding vinegar...
A simple soy sauce and brown sugar marinade, with hints of lemon and garlic, are the perfect salty-sweet complement to rich salmon fillets. Adding vinegar...